Stefano Volpe

formal sciences addict


  1. Personal
  2. High School
    1. Second year
    2. Third year
    3. Fourth year
    4. Fifth year
  3. University
    1. First year
    2. Second year
    3. Third year



Ricing, dotfiles, wallpapers and more from my current setup.


The repository containing my public profile's README.

My personal webpage on GitHub Pages.


My submissions for Codingame competitions.

Grades to Reports

A bot designed specifically to fill in students' reports (from Google Sheets to Google Docs).


A Telegram bot to bring a Grindr-like experience to your groups. Except for the freemium policy, that is.


Ciao! allows people taking part in the same event to exchange contacts via QR code. It is a lightweight, no-nonsense web application.


Statistical analysis on a catalog of galaxies.

Reddish Fox

A Lua rewrite of Niko Humalamäki's "Redish" Nvim colorscheme.

High School

Second Year


Exercises presented in Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie, "The C Programming Language", 2nd ed.

Third Year


Exercises presented on the webpage dedicated to Bjarne Stroustrup, "The C++ Programming Language", 4nd ed.

Fourth Year


Exercises presented in Ken Arnold, James Gosling, David Holmes, "THE Java Programming Language", 4th ed.

ACR Games Manager

A web application DBMS for Sunday school (aka Azione Cattolica Ragazzi) meant to work as a scoreboard for children playing games in teams.

Fifth Year

Bosco Test

Bosco tests are designed to assess the morphofunctional characteristics of one's legs muscles as well as their neuromuscular skills.


A Telegram bot interpreter who can work with a finite number of states. They're currently impersonating Coriana, a virtual assistant for families visiting my old high school.

Leo da Vinci

A Telegram bot meant to help high-school students prepare for their final oral exam.

Pandemic Simulator

A scientifically inaccurate 3D pandemic simulator.

App Oriani

A mobile app for the students at Liceo Scientifico "Alfredo Oriani" in Ravenna.


First Year


A Telegram bot to assist other undergraduate Computer Science students at the University of Bologna.


Exercises and projects for the University of Bologna Computer Architecture course (a.y. 2020-21).

Mastro Nando

A Visual Studio Code extension for Nand2Tetris development based on Zohar Lee's "Nand2Tetris Tools".


Exercises for the University of Bologna Logics for Informatic course (a.y. 2020-21).

Midlands Graduate School 2021

Exercises for the Midlands Graduate School (MGS) in the Foundations of Computing Science (2021).


Exercises for the University of Bologna Programming course (a.y. 2020-21).


Project for the University of Bologna Programming course (a.y. 2020-21).


Exercises for the University of Bologna Data Structure and Algorithms course (a.y. 2020-21).


Project for the University of Bologna Data Structure and Algorithms course (a.y. 2020-21).

Second Year


Exercises for the University of Bologna Numerical Computing course (a.y. 2021-22).

Image Restoration

Project for the University of Bologna Numerical Computing course (a.y. 2021-22).


Exercises for the University of Bologna Combinatorial Optimisation course (a.y. 2021-22).


Exercises for the University of Bologna Computer Networks course (a.y. 2021-22).


Exercises for the University of Bologna Operating Systems course (a.y. 2021-22).


PandOS+ is a simple operating system for the MIPS architecture.


Exercises for the University of Bologna Web Technology course (a.y. 2021-22).


Exercises presented in Abelson, Harold, et al. "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs". 2nd ed.

Animal House

Project for the University of Bologna Web Technology course (a.y. 2021-22).

Third Year


Exercises for the University of Bologna Databases course (a.y. 2022-23).


Exercises for the University of Bologna Software Engineering course (a.y. 2022-23).


Exercises for the University of Bologna Introduction to Machine Learning course (a.y. 2022-23).


Project for the University of Bologna Software Engineering course (a.y. 2022-23).


Project for the University of Bologna Databases course (a.y. 2022-23).

Polar Express

Project for the University of Bologna Introductory Machine Learning course (a.y. 2022-23).

Probabilistic Term Rewriting

My thesis as a bachelor student in Computer Science at the University of Bologna.