Stefano Volpe

formal sciences addict

Mozart, Beethoven and Chopin never died. They simply became music.
(Nolan & Joy, 2016)

Hi there! My name is Stefano, and I am an undergraduate Computer Science student at the University of Bologna. I also work as a part-time developer at devDept. Welcome to my homepage.


As a great fan of countercultures, I am not fond of the Big Tech industry. The same goes for its business models and their code "quality" standards (i.e. working at Google is definitely not my dream job). Perhaps, that's the reason I value open source evangelism so much. Then again, everyday software development isn't really my thing: I'd rather focus on something more theoretical. If you want to make me happy, no need for performant hardware. A blackboard will suffice.




logic computer architecture
mathematics computer networks
theoretical computer science cybersecurity
information theory databases
game theory computer graphics
systems theory engineering
decision theory big data
theoretical linguistics app/web development

Curriculum Vitae

You may view and download my CV from here.
